One Dish Baked Gnocchi Bolognese

In many households, especially those with loyal little folk, you can never go wrong with pasta. It's always a royal winner - on the nose with great odds. So here is a pasta dish that is sure to please, made even better because we let our CombiSteam do the heavy lifting. Forget the pot of water, forget the stirring of the sauce and forget the washing up.

This could quite possible be THE perfect midweek meal! A super simple one dish wonder. Full of good stuff. No pre-cooking! Just prepare, mix and CombiSteam! Nutritious! Delicious! Do I have your attention? Right loyal subjects, let's do it!

Serves 6


  • 500g pkt pre made gnocchi

  • 500g jar tomato pasta sauce

  • 400g diced/crushed tomatoes

  • 500g beef mince (regular - not lean) - or a blend of pork & beef

  • ½ cup water

  • 1 medium zucchini (grated)

  • 1 large carrot (grated)

  • 1 brown onion (diced)

  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves

  • 1 tbs olive oil

  • 2 cloves garlic (crushed)

  • 2 tbs dried oregano

  • ½ cup grated Parmesan (+ a little extra for serving if desired)

  • ¾ cup grated mozzarella

  • 2 tbs Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • S&P

  • fresh basil leaves (torn) or chopped flat leaf parsley to serve


  1. Place the onion, olive oil and garlic into a large oven proof dish (lasagna style works well) and add to cold Combi Steam oven.

  2. Select Hot Air with Steaming (Combination Steam). Set the temperature to 160°C. Cook for 15 minutes or until onion is translucent and softened.*

  3. Meanwhile, in a mixing bowl combine the remaining ingredients, except the gnocchi and mozzarella. Stir very well until completely combined. Add the gnocchi and mix gently to combine.

  4. Remove the dish from the oven and pour the gnocchi mixture into the dish and gently combine with the onion. Once combined, spread everything out evenly across the dish.

  5. Select the Hot Air+Steaming (Combination Steam). Set the temperature to 190°C. (For variable Steam select 50%) Cook for 45 minutes.

  6. After 45 minutes, remove the dish, close the oven door and give the gnocchi a gentle stir. Sprinkle over the mozzarella. Return to the oven for ta further 10 minutes or until golden and bubbling.*

  7. Allow to stand for 10 minutes before serving topped with the fresh herbs and some extra parmesan if desired.

*In a V-ZUG/Wolf Combi Steam in Step 2 you can use RegeneratOMatic - Moist/Humid* instead which will automatically set the time and beef when the “sauteeing” is complete.
*In CombiSteam ovens without RegeneratoMatic you can use your Regenerate/Reheat function set at it's highest temperature (and around 30% Steam if your oven asks) for around 10 minutes.
*If not golden and bubbling increase the temperature by around 20°C and cook for another 5-10 minutes. (Decrease the Steam to 20% too if required)
*You can also divide the mixture into 6 individual sized oven proof dishes (shallow ones) and bake individually which looks really cute!

This dish gets better as the flavours develop so feel free to make it a day or two or three in advance, refrigerate and then Regenerate for around 35 mins (or until warmed through) at 150°C before serving.

Feel free to splosh in a little of your favourite red too if you like - and pour yourself a glass while you wait for it to cook.

Add this one to your make ahead meal scrapbook and you'll be all set!

What's not to love? Ummmmmm, did you say nothing? Then you are correct! This one is worth kissing the cook for.

Happy CombiSteaming!

Yours in the kitchen,

The CSQ. x