Chocolate Lava Puddings

So I'm just going to say the word. CHOCOLATE. Doesn't it just make you feel happy? Sometimes the word might be enough but most of the time when I think about it I have to have it. No ifs, buts or maybes. When it's time for chocolate, it's time for chocolate. There can be no substitute. Don't try to palm me off with cacao mixed with dates and pretend that's going to cut it. It's not. Sometimes it just has to be chocolate. And you always have to lick the bowl!

So here is one of my favourite chocolate recipes. It's super super simple to make yet somehow seems quite impressive. There aren't many ingredients - in fact, apart from the creme fraiche or double cream to serve, they're all pantry staples in my world. It doesn't take long to whip up, especially when you can melt the chocolate using Steam and then throw it all in together. And, you can even make the mixture in advance and leave the filled ramekins aside ready to bake when you need them, which in my book, means it's a total dinner party winner! I mean once I've had a few glasses of wine there's nothing better than a dessert that just has to be thrown into the oven. Less to do. More ta-da! I heard that somewhere recently and loved it. It’s really a brilliant life philosophy and therefore a brilliant cooking philosophy.

With this recipe, it’s important to get the timing right because you want to get that gooey centre. If it ain't gooey then it ain't a chocolate lava pudding. It's just a yummy warm chocolate cake in a ramekin. But you know what? If worst comes to worst, even that's not really the worst thing I can imagine!! Usually with your Combi-Steam, I tell you that timing won’t matter so much, but that’s really not the case with these babies. You want to be a bit careful not to overdo it. It may take a couple of shots and tweaks to get them just right. When you do, make sure you make a little note in your kitchen book so that you remember for next time. Then just repeat repeat repeat.

In chef and restaurant land this would also be known as Chocolate Fondant - like the artist formerly known as Prince. It’s the same thing by another name. For me, the name lava pudding explains exactly what it is….a little mountain holding a whole lot of hot stuff inside. If you want to call it a fondant, particularly if your guests are more on the fancy side, then you have my blessing. Never be scared to show off I say!


Chocolate Lava Puddings (makes 6)

200g 70% cocoa dark chocolate, chopped (no compound or cooking chocolate please!)
100g butter (chopped) + a little extra for greasing
3 XL eggs
½ cup caster sugar
2 tbs self raising flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch salt

creme fraiche* or double cream for serving


  1. Grease 6x 1/2 cup capacity ramekins with a little extra butter and set aside on the stainless steel tray.

  2. Place the chocolate, vanilla and butter into a metal or glass bowl. Put into the CombiSteam and select Steam. Set the temperature to 50°C. Allow to melt for 6-7 minutes then stir until smooth and glossy.*

  3. Switch the CombiSteam to Convection/Fan Forced (Hot Air Humid). Set the temperature to 200°C. Let it preheat.

  4. Add the eggs to the melted chocolate, one at a time, mixing after each addition until combined.

  5. Stir through the sugar and salt with a wooden spoon or spatula.

  6. Lastly fold through the flour until just combined.

  7. Divide the mixture between the ramekins.

  8. Bake in the centre of your CombiSteam for 12 minutes.

  9. Remove and serve on a side plate or saucer (as the ramekins will be hot) with a big dollop of cold creme fraiche or double cream.

*if you leave your chocolate and butter too chunky it may take longer to melt so just pop it back in on Steam at 50°C until melted if need be
*creme fraiche is a French style (of course!) soured cream that is gorgeous with rich desserts due to it's slight acidity but just go double cream if you prefer!
*you can unfold these onto a plate if you’re brave, by carefully running a blunt knife around the edge, then placing a plate on top and inverting. Leave the ramekin upside down on the plate and let gravity do it’s thing. Make sure you grease well if you are going to do this - you can also coat the inside of the greased ramekin with a little extra flour the tip out any excess to help guarantee success.

Dig in and enjoy the chocolatey goodness!

This one is perfect comforting, happy place food so relax and enjoy it. No guilt, no worries - just pure foodie pleasure! Life is to be enjoyed. It isn’t a practise run!

Happy Combi Steaming!

Yours in the kitchen,
The CSQ. x