Raw Sugar Pavlova

To me pavlova is magic! It is by far the most loved and requested dessert in my family and circle of friends which tells me that it isn't just me that feels the pav magic. As a cook, much of the wizardry comes from the fact that it can really be made from just two ingredients - egg whites and sugar. I mean honestly, who knew? Egg whites and sugar on their own make a basic meringue and yes you can bake it like that and get a great result. But, to take it to the next level, adding some flour and vinegar will create that marshmallowy, fluffy, cloud like centre, which will have you saying "abracadabra" each and every time you make it. The pavlova's nemesis is moisture. A humid day, a slightly wet bowl or moisture in your oven can mean disaster. Egg whites not whipping, pav collapse and soggy shells can all result if things aren't kept nice and dry.

Now you may not therefore associate cooking the perfect pav with a blog about CombiSteam ovens. But, you must remember that your CombiSteam is not all about steam. You can also use it with just the basic convection or fan forced setting. In my brand of choice that’s called Hot Air which keeps the oven nice and dry.

Let me take off my crown and pop on my top hat so I can hit you with some of that pavlova magic! Prepare to be amazed! This is my Raw Sugar Pavlova!

4 XL egg whites
1 cup (220g) raw caster sugar
2 tsp rice flour
1 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Place egg whites into a very clean and completely dry mixing bowl. Using electric beaters whisk egg whites on medium high until soft and peaking.

  2. With the beaters running add ¼ of the sugar and mix for 1 minute. Repeat with ¼ more of sugar until all sugar is added. Continue beating at high speed for 5-6 minutes or until mixture is extremely thick, glossy and there are no sugar crystals in the meringue*.

  3. Add the rice flour, vinegar and vanilla and mix for another minute until well combined.

  4. Select your convection/fan forced (Hot Air) function on your CombiSteam (or regular oven). Set the temperature to 140°C. Allow to pre heat.

  5. Grease and line a baking tray with baking paper. Scrape the meringue out onto the tray. Use a palette knife or spatula to form the meringue into a round cake like shape around 8cm high. Smooth around the sides to get them smooth and straight edged.

  6. Place into the oven on the centre shelf and cook for 10 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 120°C and cook for another 60 minutes. Turn off the oven and open the door, leaving it ajar but not fully opened, and allow the pavolva to cool completely.

  7. When cool top with whipped cream and your choice of topping.

*to check if sugar is completely dissolved rub some mixture between your thumb & finger – it should feel totally smooth – if not keep mixing.

I topped mine with the Aussie classic - fluffy tufts of whipped cream and & passionfruit with a big flurry of berries, but you can go wherever you like. If you want a dairy free option - try some coconut yoghurt (I like Coyo) on top with whatever fruit you like.

Get this one perfected asap as it's a classic and should always be in your rotation!

To find our more about using your CombiSteam check out The Basics here.

Happy CombiSteaming!

Yours in the kitchen,

The CSQ. x