Mango Chutney

Well it really is a crazy time. I’m not sure any of us would ever have thought that 2020 would bring us to a place of such uncertainty and in many cases fear and panic. I would like to take this opportunity, as I sit here at home tapping on my keyboard, to send you all some calm and peace. I completely understand that when things feel like they are outside of our control, often the natural reaction is to do everything we can to try to get some control. The reality is, however, that if there ever was a time to breathe and just sit with the external chaos, it’s now. There is very little any of us can do to change the outcome or stop what is happening. The best we can do is be calm, kind and take all the sensible precautions we can. Be safe and be sensible and breathe. As another Queen might say - “Keep Calm and Carry On”.

With all this going on I have actually been thinking about our CombiSteam and how it can add value in this current situation. I’m not sure how wide spread the issue of the “panic buying” is and how many people are experiencing the empty supermarket shelves but it seems to be a huge concern. It made me think of making things to freeze and store and also finding ways to use whatever I have left at home - whether that’s in the freezer or in the pantry and fridge. You may have noticed that I am a lover of using up leftovers to create a whole new dish. And you can find quite a few recipes with that philosophy up front.

Try my Waste Not Want Not Risotto, my throw whatever you like in Quiche or my Layered Veggie Bake. All of these would also freeze pretty well (risotto best frozen as arancini) to keep for meals down the track. We really should be all trying not to throw anything away in this current state of play.

This recipe is a different type of food preparation because it uses preserving. On my brand of choice there is a specialised preserving function that can be found under Hygiene in your automatic menu options. (Access either through the OK button in the centre of previous models OR the Chefs Hat icon in newer models). This function will allow you to sterilise jars/bottles and also preserve food in those jars/bottles with the lid on. It’s fabulous. Check out my previous post on preserving fruit here.

This is a quick and easy mango chutney. You could also use peaches and do a peachy version or even tomatoes etc. You could also use canned fruit or canned tomatoes but you will need to decrease the cooking time once they are added, as they are usually already fairly soft, but if you don’t mind a
”mooshier” texture it won’t really matter. It really depends on the texture you would like to achieve.

As I often say, these posts are not just about the specific recipe but also about getting to know your CombiSteam and developing some techniques that you can apply to various recipes. For example this is a mango chutney but the same “method” could be used to make jam and other types of preserves. One of the keys, I think, to becoming a CombiSteam star is experimenting and thinking about what the oven is doing to your food when you make any of my recipes. Once you get that understanding locked in you can really open your world to experiment with any recipe and adapt to get the result you want in your CombiSteam.

This one is particular adaptable because, as I mentioned, of course you could make other types of chutney, relish or jam but it also lends itself to the idea of simmering in a dish in your oven. Essentially we are just getting our ingredients to bubble away here, in the oven, instead of on the cook top. That should open a whole world of possibilities for you for dishes that simmer on your stove top usually. The level of bubble or simmer will be controlled by the temperature you set and you just leave your lid off to allow the steam to work with the food.

So onto the recipe…..


Makes 3 x 250 ml jars

1 tsp olive oil
1 medium red onion (finely diced)
1 clove garlic (crushed)
pinch chilli flakes (optional or to taste)
1 tsp each ground cumin & ground coriander
1 cinnamon stick
1 bay leaf
3 ripe mangos - peeled, flesh sliced from stone and roughly chopped)
1 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup white wine vinegar
pinch salt
nigella or mustard seeds (around 1 tsp) - optional


  1. Place the olive oil, onion, garlic, chilli, cumin, coriander, cinnamon and bay leaf into a medium flat bottomed oven proof dish. Add the dish to the cold CombiSteam.

  2. Select Combination Steam (Hot Air+Steaming). Set the temperature to 200°C. Cook for 15 minutes or until the onions are softened and the spices are fragrant. Remove the dish. Leave the oven on.

  3. Add the mango, sugar, vinegar, salt and seeds (if using). Stir to combine. Return the dish to the oven. Cook for 15 minutes. Remove and stir gently. Return the oven and continue to cook for a further 15 minutes or until the mango is tender and the consistency looks like a chutney or chunky jam.

  4. Remove, stir gently and set aside too cool. Allow the oven to cool completely.

  5. In the meantime remove the lids of the jars. Place the jars, upside down, onto a perforated tray. Place the lids top facing up onto the tray also.

  6. Place the tray into the cool CombiSteam. Select Hygiene - select Prepare Jam Jars. Start the program. Remove at the end of the automatic program. (For non V-ZUG/Wolf ovens please select Steam and set the temperature to 100°C and Steam for 30 minutes - turn off, open the oven door and allow to dry).

  7. Fill the sterilised jars with the chutney, ensuring you only leave a small gap of unfilled space at the top (this is important to allow the vacuum seal to work in the next step). Secure the lids onto the jars tightly.

  8. Place the filled and sealed jars onto the perforated tray. Place the tray into the oven. Select Hygiene - select Preserve (Jam). Start the program. Remove at the end of the automatic program. And allow to cool. Once cooled you will hear/notice that the seals on the jars will pop inwards as the seal is created.*

  9. Store and enjoy as desired. Once jars are opened, refrigerate and use within 7 days.

* For non V-ZUG/Wolf ovens please note that you will need to refer to your instruction manual or brand customer service to ascertain if this is possible with your brand of choice.

While the world is in crisis it feels to me like the perfect time to experiment with your CombiSteam and cook from the heart. No longer can most of us default to that large list of excuses that usually begins with “I’m too busy”. Make it a priority to try at least one new recipe each week. Play with the functionality that you may not have used yet. Let’s try to take some of that negative and turn it into a positive.

If you don’t follow me on Facebook already, remember to do that as you will also pick up other pieces of information, like my Royal Re-Dos and my Cheeky Cheats. It all helps to turn you into a CombiSteam Queen (or King) in your own right.

Take care loyal ones. Stay healthy and well and happy in these challenging times.

Happy cooking!

Yours in the kitchen,

The CSQ x