Steamed Porridge

Well with the new year up and running I bet there are many of you out there who have resolved to make some change to your personal eating, cooking and/or exercise habits. It's such a common area to want to improve. For me, I made a big change about 18 months ago and a huge part of it was creating a new morning ritual. I was never a breakfast eater. It always felt too rushed and I never really felt hungry first thing. I loved some bacon & eggs on the weekend or whilst on holidays but the day to day breakkie routine just didn't seem to work for me. I was more of a grab a coffee and run out the door girl.

Often, however, this meant that I was shoving the nearest piece of junk (be it cake, muffin or hot chips) into my mouth by about 11am. Part of the reason "I wasn't a breakfast person" was because I didn't really enjoy the typical breakkie foods. Then I met a nutritionist who gave me a pearl of wisdom. She said "it's better to eat ANYTHING for breakfast than nothing at all". I loved it. Then, with the addition of the amazing Combi-Steam I realised that doing things like eggs on a busy weekday morning could be easy. Now I am a converted breakkie eater and I actually wake up hungry most mornings. I also now realise that I can easily last until noon to have lunch rather than starting off starving and feeling out of control for the rest of the day.

One of my favourite Combi-Steam breakkies has to be porridge. It’s so much better done in the Combi-Steam that in any other way I have ever tasted it before. And it’s so easy! You can even set it up the night before, if your brand of choice has a delayed start option. Mine does so I just set the end time when I program the function, cooking time and temperature and pop the prepared bowl (or bowls into the oven) and wake up to my perfect porridge.

Here is one of my favourite porridge options but you can play around and make up your own combos!! Give it a go!

Steamed Porridge w/ Pear, Yoghurt & Cinnamon (serves 1)

½ cup rolled oats
1 small pear (grated)
½ tsp ground cinnamon (or to taste)
1 tbs maple syrup (or to taste)
½ cup full cream milk
1 cup coconut water (or normal water)
¼ cup vanilla yoghurt
Extra yoghurt, fresh fruit and nuts to serve as desired


  1. Combine the oats, grated pear, cinnamon, syrup, milk and coconut water in a bowl.

  2. Place the bowl into the Combi-Steam.

  3. Select Steam. Set the temperature to 100°C. Set the cooking time to 15 minutes. (set the delayed start option if desired)

  4. Remove and stir through the yoghurt.

  5. Top with your desired extras and enjoy.

*If you like it sweeter you could sprinkle over some brown sugar or add extra maple syrup to serve
*Of course you can cook as many "serves" of porridge in the Combi-Steam at the same time as you can fit. Just make up the bowls, cut up some extra fruit and pop them in. Cooking time won't change.

Here's to the start of a new breakfast routine!

Happy Combi-Steaming!

Yours in the kitchen,

The CSQ. x